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Keeping it Local!

Hello and Happy New Year!
In planning for the up-coming year, we are looking for local, senior, and family-friendly companies to be included in our Park Map/Guide. This is our campers' most important piece of literature received upon arrival, as they need to see how to get to their site. In advertising with us, guests can clearly know what other experiences our area has to offer!
~B. Baylor

To place an ad or listing for your local business, simply call or email David Truax at Truax Printing and he will take care of the rest. Ad design is no additional charge.

We believe you will see worthwhile results from Baylor Beach Park Map advertising.
Thank you and please call or email with any questions.
Just click on the link below for price information or to print a form.

2025 BBP Map Advertising

Please mail the filled out document with payment to:

Truax Printing
425 East Haskell Street
Loudonville, Ohio 44842
419-994-4166 ext. 255
or e-mail:
Truax Printing

Check out our local attractions page that shares some of our neighbors & friends!