2024 Lifeguard Application for Employment

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Step 1 of 3
Enter your Last name, First name and lastly your middle name.
Enter the school or college that you are currently attending.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a picture of your face with no hats/sunglasses on.
Enter your House # and Street address
Enter the name of the city you live in.
Enter the state you live in.
Enter your Social Security number.
How old are you today?
Enter your Cell phone number.
Enter your Birthdate as follows: 00/00/0000
What grade level will you be in returning to school?
Voicemail Setup/Available?
***Please be sure your voicemail is SET UP and NOT FULL so that I am able to leave a message***
Enter your email address.
Please enter first and last name of your Parent/Guardian that you're living with.
Please enter a phone number to reach the person you provided.
Please enter first and last name of your Parent/Guardian that you're living with.
Please enter a phone number to reach the person you provided.
List the name of the person to call.
How is this person related to you?
Enter the phone # for us to call.