2025 Season Swim Membership Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Enter your first name here.
Enter your last name here.
Mailing address (include city & zip code)
Please enter how old you are.
Please enter birthdate of person 1.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Take a photo of the person listed above. Face and shoulder's, no hats please. This will be used for a printed ID card.

Person 2

Enter Second person's first name here.
Enter Second person's last name here.
Please enter how old this person is.
Please enter birthdate of person 2.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Take a photo of the person listed above. Face and shoulder's, no hats please. This will be used for a printed ID card.

Person 3

Enter Third person's first name here.
Enter Third person's last name here.
Please enter how old this person is.
Please enter birthdate of person 3.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Take a photo of the person listed above. Face and shoulder's, no hats please. This will be used for a printed ID card.

Person 4

Enter Fourth person's first name here.
Enter Fourth person's last name here.
Please enter how old this person is.
Please enter birthdate of person 4.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Take a photo of the person listed above. Face and shoulder's, no hats please. This will be used for a printed ID card.

Person 5

Enter Fifth person's first name here.
Enter Fifth person's last name here.
Please enter how old this person is.
Please enter birthdate of person 5.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Take a photo of the person listed above. Face and shoulder's, no hats please. This will be used for a printed ID card.

Person 6

Enter Sixth person's first name here.
Enter Sixth person's last name here.
Please enter how old this person is.
Please enter birthdate of person 6.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Take a photo of the person listed above. Face and shoulder's, no hats please. This will be used for a printed ID card.

Person 7

Enter Seventh person's first name here.
Enter Seventh person's last name here.
Please enter how old this person is.
Please enter birthdate of person 6.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Take a photo of the person listed above. Face and shoulder's, no hats please. This will be used for a printed ID card.
Each member will be required to get their picture taken for their pass the first time they visit this season. Stop at the office, each visit, to show membership I.D.'s for each member in vehicle. State the name of members entering the park, plus number of guests. All guests pay daily admission. This membership is non-transferable, members alone may use their membership card. If at any time, you or anyone listed on your membership brings another person/persons into the park without paying admission, entire season memmbership will be revoked, no exceptions. No refunds will be given. As a season member of Baylor Beach Park, each passholder on your membership is expected to abide by all rules of the park, as listed in the brochure, posted in the park, stated by lifeguards and/or management. To receive discounts on Fun Events or Camping, you must present your card at the time of purchase. Discounts are good only for those with a membership. Guests must pay full price.
I have read & understand the membership requirements
I have read & understand the above rules to attaining a Baylor Beach Park Season Membership. Each member on our pass will abide by these rules. I understand if at any time these rules are not followed by the members on my pass, Baylor Beach Park, Inc. has the right to REVOKE the passes of each individual on this membership form without refund.
By typing your name you're signing this document
EXCLUDING SENIORS (See next section)
Select how many people on your membership are Ages 60 Yrs. & Up
Select how many people on your membership are Ages 2 Yrs. & Under

Payment Options

Payments will be accepted in person or by phone during beach operating hours.
No online payments available at this time.
Please note: Credit Card/Debit payments will have a $4 processing fee added.

Closed Dates

The Park will be Closed August 18-22, & August 25-29 due to school in session,
Labor Day - is our last day of the season for Swimming, Picnicking & Park Activities.